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Fruits & Vegetables

-In this section we will learn about the different fruits and vegetables, how to store them and the best way to keep them longer.

-Get to know your fruits and vegetables

-Tips to make the most of your Fruits and Veggies

Shop early - This will allow you to find the best selection of fresh produce.

Choose in-season fruits and vegetables - The closer you are to the growing season, the fresher your produce and the better it tastes.

Check for freshness - Look for brightly colored fruits and vegetables. Leaves or greens should be crisp, not wilted.

Large does not mean better - Larger sized vegetables may be too mature and have little flavor.

Bag properly - Place the heavier, firmer produce at the bottom of the bag or basket.

Store produce right away to prevent spoilage. Most fruits will not continue to ripen if they are refrigerated. This is true for tomatoes as well. Potatoes and onions will lose quality in the refrigerator.

Punch holes in plastic bags before storing.

Just before preparation give your produce a good washing in cold water.

When cooking firm produce with tougher skin, scrub with a brush.

Allow leafy greens to float in clean water.

Soaps or cleaners are not needed- water does the job.

Heat and too much water can destroy important vitamins. Limit cooking time and water. Attached is a vegetable cooking cheat sheet.

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