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Bread Making 101

We will start our last baking course week with bread baking. But before you start baking your bread here’s a primer on everything you must know.


The equipment and ingredients needed to bake bread are not a substantial up-front investment. Chances are your pantry is stocked with enough to get started right now.

Plastic dough scraper

This flexible, inexpensive little guy is a super-useful tool. Use it to gently ease the dough out of a bowl and off work surfaces. It also doubles as a counter scraper for cleanup.

The Baking Stone

Baking stones absorb and radiate heat and help give your loaves that hard, crackly bottom crust. The thicker the stone, the better. There are also good aluminum and cast-aluminum options are also good aluminum and cast-aluminum options.

Dutch oven

Baking bread in a covered Dutch oven traps in moisture, simulating hearth baking. (This is essential for the no-knead method; see below.)

Digital scale

This is not necessary, but it's likely worth the investment. Though most American published cookbooks offer only standard volume measurements, some also include weight. Weighing is more accurate and often is actually easier than fiddling with measuring cups. Just tare the scale (reset it to zero) with the empty mixing bowl, then add ingredients.

Loaf pans

Great for baking sandwich bread. Available in various sizes.

Measuring cups and spoons

(See note on measuring flour below)

Mixing bowls

A variety of sizes are handy; you’ll need at least one large one for mixing

Expert extras

bannetons (proofing baskets to give your loaves a professional look), a cloche (works like the Dutch oven), couche (proofing linens that help loaves keep their shape as they rise), and a peel (a wooden or metal paddle to transfer the dough to and from a baking stone).



Active dry: You'll usually see this in small packages in the dairy section. It needs to hang out in warm water (110 degrees F) for a few minutes before you use it — this wakes the yeast up and gets it ready for your recipe. Check expiration dates on these, and keep your packets in a cool, dry spot.

Rapid rise (sometimes called instant or bread machine yeast): This is a hardy strain of yeast, and does not need to be hydrated before using. While it doesn't actually rise more rapidly than any other yeast, you get to skip the step of hydrating, making the process a couple of minutes faster. It is also more concentrated than active dry yeast, so you'll get a fuller rise in some recipes than with the same amount of active dry yeast.

Fresh yeast

More prevalent in professional bakeries. We don't recommend it for our recipes, because it's hard to find and needs to be used up pretty quickly once you buy it. If you do have access to fresh yeast, substitute 0.6 ounces of it for each packet of active dry yeast called for in any given recipe.

Starter (aka wild fermentation)

This mix of flour, water, and sugar gives sourdough its tangy and complex flavor. Starters rely on the atmosphere to become populated with microscopic friends and thus turn into an active culture you can use in your bread. Starters need time and some attention but are totally worth the effort.


For the most accurate way to measure, use a fork to lightly mix up your flour in its bin or bag. Then use a scoop to pour flour into measuring cups and a straightedge to level off any excess flour.


Choose unbleached.


Also go for unbleached and preferably between 12 percent and 13 percent protein.


Thanks to some great gluten-free bread baking cookbooks, you don’t have to rely on store-bought goodies anymore. And there is also a wonderful new family of gluten-free flours to experiment with, like teff, buckwheat, and sorghum.


 This is made from grains that are allowed to sprout; once the shoot appears, they are then dried and milled into flour. It's still very much a special-order item; look for it online.


Table salt and kosher salt are not evenly interchangeable in bread baking, so be sure to use whatever the recipe calls for. To be even more precise, if a specific brand of kosher salt is called for, then try to use that; crystal size and weight can vary depending on the brand. Salt sharpens and brightens the flavor in baked goods and helps prevent staleness.


This is water for mixing (and not activating yeast). It should be around 80 degrees F. Some recipes will call for spring water because certain minerals in tap water can have a negative effect on yeast fermentation.


This is perhaps the most important ingredient for the success of any loaf of bread. Take care not to rush the fermentation and proofing of dough. The longer the dough has to rest, the more flavorful it will be. (See cold fermentation below).

Butter, eggs, and milk

These are found in enriched bread like brioche and challah. Most recipes will call for unsalted butter, large eggs, and whole milk. These three can contribute to the hydration, tenderness, flavor, and color of bread.


Use a light hand when dusting your work surface with flour; use a quick sideways flick of the wrist to create a light powder coating. Too much flour on the kneading surface can lead to dry bread.


Kneading incorporates the flour and liquid ingredients while helping create the gluten structure that establishes the bread's final texture.

Traditional kneading

This is done in a mixer with a dough hook or by hand. Don't push so hard that you tear the dough, or knead so long that the dough gets taut. Soft and supple is the way to go.


This is the method of choice for many professional bakers and cookbook authors. The dough is first under-mixed into a shaggy mixture, which rests and is then gently strengthened, to develop gluten, with a series of stretches, folds and rests.


Pioneered (but not discovered) by Jim Lahey, a New York City-based baker and the owner of Sullivan Street Bakery, this method relies on a long, cold fermentation. The loaves are often baked in a Dutch oven.


As your dough sits, all the action happens: yeast and friendly bacteria convert starches into sugars, creating flavor and producing the carbon dioxide that’s responsible for the light and airy crumb (inside) of bread.

When it’s done proofing, your dough should look fuller and doubled in size. If it's tight and dense, let it proof longer; if it's airy and about to collapse, then it's gone too far.

There are two temperature options for proofing and fermenting bread.

Warm: In a warm — but not hot — spot, about 70 to 80 degrees F. Generally, the kitchen counter is fine. If your kitchen is drafty, then inside the turned-off oven or the microwave works too. If it's too warm in your kitchen, find a cooler room.

Cold: Putting the dough in the fridge slows the rise, which helps develop flavor. If you get called away for some reason when proofing a dough, refrigerate it until you get back.


Use a gentle hand — if the dough gets overworked, it can be tough to form. If the dough starts to feel taut, cover with a towel, and let the dough relax for about 10 minutes.


Look: For loaves of un-enriched bread, golden brown isn’t quite enough. You’ll want to go a few shades darker; deep, dark brown means more flavor.

Feel: A properly baked loaf of bread will feel light and hollow when tapped on a countertop.

Smell: Your bread should smell toasted and nutty.

Temperature: Though it may seem odd, you can also take the temperature of bread to check for doneness. Look for 190 degrees F with an instant-read thermometer. The more you bake, the more you’ll be able to rely on the look, feel, and smell to determine when your bread is ready.


It’s important to let most breads rest until cool for a creamy crumb. Transfer loaves to a cooling rack or just use the grates on your stovetop.


  1. Mise en Place (scaling) Before starting the bread-making process, it is important to gather all of your ingredients and measure them accurately. Measuring ingredients by weight is a much more accurate way to measure and is the preferred method for bread making.


OPTIONAL STEP: PROOFING YEAST Some bread recipes include a step prior to mixing the dough called PROOFING THE YEAST. This step involves hydrating dry yeast in some or all of the liquid used in the recipe and adding a pinch of sugar. The first step usually involves this for yeasted breads.

  1. Mixing the dough

  2. Kneading the dough

  3. Bulk Ferment (1st Rise)

  4. Shaping

  5. Proofing or Proving (2nd Rise)

  6. Baking

Q&A - Troubleshooting

Can you over knead bread dough? Bread Loaves made with over-kneaded dough commonly end up with a hard crust and dry interior. Often upon cutting, slices will crumble. If your perfect bread loaf turns into a crumbly mess, don't worry. The overworked dough will work great when used as croutons or breadcrumbs.


How do you know when to stop kneading bread? After kneading the dough for several minutes, press it with your finger. If the indentation stays, the dough still needs more work. If it springs back to its original shape, your dough is ready to rest.


How long should bread be kneaded? work the dough, those strands of gluten are tightening up and getting into line. Kneading for 10-12 minutes by hand or 8-10 minutes in a mixer are the general standards; if you've been massaging the dough for that length of time, you can be pretty confident that you've done your job.


Why is my bread dense and not fluffy? Dense or heavy bread can be the result of not kneading the dough long enough. Mixing the salt and yeast together or Losing patience in the middle of molding your bread and there is not enough tension in your finished loaf before baking.


What does adding vinegar to bread dough do? Vinegar is a mild acid that helps break down the starches and proteins in your bread. It changes the pH levels of the batter. Adding it to your bread dough can help with good rise, moist crumb, an airy texture, and also enhances the flavor.


How can I make my bread rise better? Adding 2 tablespoons instant dry milk powder per loaf of bread will help your bread rise higher, stay soft, and hold the moisture longer. That means it won't get stale as quickly. Dry milk powder creates a more golden-brown crust and improves nutrition, too.



What is vegan bread made out of? A bread made from sprouted whole grains and legumes. This type of bread is often vegan and typically richer in protein and other nutrients. Is all sourdough bread vegan? Nearly all sourdough bread is vegan-friendly. Some non-vegan ingredients, including dairy, honey, and eggs, can appear in sourdough, but those are outstanding exceptions to the rule.

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